Levon Aronian’s Shocking Loss! – Alekhine Memorial 2013

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In this video GM Damien Lemos analyzes the 1st round of the Alekhine Memorial between Grand Masters Ding Liren and Levon Aronian. We’ll see a Slav defense, Chebanenko variation, where you’ll see a weird pawn structure. White, with more space and a strong centre, increases his advantage to eventually win by sacrificing a bishop at kingside.

[Event “Candidates 2013”]
[Date “2013.04.21”]
[Round “1.5”]
[Board “5”]
[White “Ding, Liren”]
[Black “Aronian, Levon”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteClock “00:41:00”]
[BlackClock “00:51:00”]
[WhiteElo “2707”]
[BlackElo “2809”]
[PlyCount “91”]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 a6 5. e3 e6 6. c5 Nbd7
7. b4 b6 8. Bb2 a5 9. a3 Be7 10. Bd3 O-O 11. O-O Ba6 12. Ne1 Bc4
13. Bxc4 dxc4 14. Qe2 Rb8 15. Ra2 b5 16. e4 Rb7 17. Nc2 Nb8 18. Raa1 Qc8
19. Rad1 Rd8 20. Bc1 Na6 21. Bf4 Rbd7 22. h3 Ne8 23. Qe3 Bf6 24. e5 Be7
25. Ne4 Nac7 26. Nd6 Qa8 27. Qg3 Nd5 28. Ne3 Nc3 29. Rde1 Bxd6 30. exd6 Ne4
31. Qh4 Nd2 32. Nd5 Nxf1 33. Nb6 Qa7 34. Rxf1 Nf6 35. Be5 Nd5 36. Nxd5 exd5
37. Bxg7 Kxg7 38. Qg5+ Kf8 39. Qf6 Kg8 40. Qg5+ Kf8 41. Qf6 Kg8 42. Re1 axb4
43. Re5 h6 44. Rh5 Qxa3 45. Qxh6 f6 46. Qxf6 1-0

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