Live Blitz Chess Commentary: Crushing the Caro-Kann

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I opened with 1. e4 and responded to the Caro-Kann Defense with the Advance Variation with 3. e5. I think 6. …Nc6 was inaccurate so I decided to try to win a pawn with 7. dxc5 – a very common idea in this line. Black could have won back the pawn with 12. …g4 to knock my knight off the protection of my e5 pawn, however he decided to develop with 12. …Bg7 that allowed me crucial time to open the position with 13. b5. I emerged from the complications in a great position – an extra pawn and a very strong knight on d6. With 19. …Ng6 mi opponent could have again won the e5 pawn, but he played 19. …h5. After 20. f4 and 21. g3 I had a winning position which I went on to convert in time trouble in 45 moves.

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