Karpov analyzes 🔎 the Bobby Fischer vs Spassky Rematch 1992!!

A MUST for every chess fan! Get one chess legend analyzing and discussing another in the phenomenal “Karpov on Fischer”!! Get instant digital access – with 35% off! ► https://ichs.co/2huqV6m

The 3 volume “Karpov on Fischer” provides Anatoly Karpov’s perspective on why Bobby Fischer declined to play him in the World Chess Championship Match in 1975. Anatoly Karpov was genuinely disappointed that he didn’t get to play Bobby Fischer after Fischer was unable to accept the match conditions which he felt were unfair.

Ron Henley and Anatoly Karpov discuss whether Bobby Fischer really wanted to play the world championship match, having not played any professional chess since the last game of the Fischer vs Spassky match.

Grandmasters Karpov and Henley analyze 🔎 game 25 of the famous 1992 historic return match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, now both close to 50 years old.

Game 25: 1992 Historic Match – Fischer vs Spassky

Against Boris Spassky’s Classical Sicilian Defense, Bobby Fischer sets up the English Attack with 6. Be3, 7. Qd2 and 8. f3.
With the thematic 10.g4! and 12.g5! Bobby gains space on the kingside and drives the key defensive knight from f6. The star move 15. Nb6! allows Bobby Fischer to exchange off his weak knight on a4 and eliminate a vital Black defender. The White kingside attack was in full stride with 19. h5, 21. Rdg1 and 22. g6! so Boris Spassky tried to hide his king in the corner with 22. …Bf6 and 23. …Kh8, but Fischer’s 24. Bg5! and 27. Rhg1 followed by 28. Rxg7 opened the g-file.

Bobby Fischer took a timeout on the queenside for the precautionary 30. b3! and then tripled on the g-file with 32. Qg2! As the clever clearance pawn sacrifice – 33. Rg8+ and 25. h7! was preparing a devastating blow, Spassky realized Fischer was going to open the h-file and resigned.

A classic attacking game showing that the 1992 Bobby Fischer still had the legendary magic and could take apart active GMs seemingly at will.

To see a classic Bobby Fischer game analyzed by his would-be challenger Anatoly Karpov is a rare treat!

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